Saturday, December 22, 2007

Are you ready for Christmas? That's the question everyone asks this time of year. Of course they mean, are you done shopping? House all decorated? Baking done? Our new pastor, Glenn, asked us if we were really ready for Christmas - the one that celebrates the Savior's birth. In other words, are our hearts ready? Priorities figured out? Relationships restored? I had to think a little harder about whether I was really ready for Christmas, or did I just have all my shopping, wrapping and baking done.

I've had some really hard things to think about in recent months. Those things did not directly happen to me, but if you're in relationship, what affects those around us, affects us. I have almost begun to feel guilty about being so blissfully satisfied with my life - my marriage, my home, my extended family, my kids, my friends, my faith .....I'm SOOO blessed! So many close to me have had to deal with the most difficult of life's struggles. Now one of my dearest friends has a child in major rebellion. That child is like one of my own. I have prayed for her, cried over her, thought about her continually, struggled with how to help, debated whether I should shake her or hug her. My heart aches for their family who are all hurting so much while trying to "do Christmas" and at the same time dancing in my heart that I get to be with my kids for Christmas and can't wait till the day gets here. Such is the oxymoron of this life we live in a messed up world.

I wouldn't change my relationships for anything. I think it's what we're supposed to be about. With the joy of family and friendship can come the pain of sharing their burdens. This particular friend walked right beside me through the whole cancer thing, has hugged me when I was hurting or disappointed, supported me when I felt vulnerable and unsure if I was strong enough. Now it's my turn to do that for her. It hurts and it's hard, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


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