Saturday, April 12, 2008


FINALLY.... a day warm enough to sit on the deck with a good book and soak in a little Vitamin D. Today is all about getting out there and enjoying the cloudless sky and the reflected heat on our back deck. THIS is the reason I can live in Spokane and tolerate the winters - THIS first real day of spring weather feels like heaven! Keith is umpiring today, so the VERY pregnant Sydney is lounging around with me, feeling no obligation to do anything but get outdoors.
I'm reading Valerie Bertinelli's biography between doing my Bible Study lessons. She was a t.v. star in the 70's - about my age - and I always admired her. As I read this book, I'm thinking "poor messed up kid who had everything except what she needed - God". I'm only about halfway through, but she married a rock star and lived the life of sex, drugs and rock and roll. I wanted to read it because she is now a spokesperson for Jenny Craig and has lost a bunch of weight. Thought it might be inspiring. Hope it has a happy ending.....


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