My Baby Turned 18!!!!
WOW, WOW, WOW! I'm not quite sure how it happened because it seems like yesterday that Alex was running his Matchbox cars through my plant dirt. My baby boy is not a baby anymore - he's officially an adult. Now I realize that being 18 doesn't afford many privileges, but Alex took advantage of all that were available to him. He purchased two cigars so that he and his dad could smoke them on the deck on his birthday (YUCK!). He opened a checking account with the birthday money his grandparents sent. And he scratched a few lottery tickets. That done, he will sign up for the draft (double YUCK!). He's filling out all the necessary paperwork for college and will be leaving the nest is a couple months.
No one read me the fine print on the parent contract when he came to live with us. No one said, "Don't bond with him because it will rip your heart out when he leaves home." And no one could have predicted how much joy and laughter would come with this little bundle as well as a few tears and gray hairs! Alex truly is a great person and I'm very proud of the man he is becoming. He is very kind-hearted, mostly very responsible and respectful, and very, very funny! (Proud accomplishment: he was chosen Class Clown of the Class of 2007 - no surprise to his parents!)
All I can say is that I hope grandchildren come soon or I may have to resort to adopting someone else's kids. The house is going to be WAAAY too quiet. I know this was part of the parent deal, but I'm not ready!!!!