God is good - ALL the time!
Yep, can't deny it any longer - fall is here. It has been a beautiful one so far. The colors have been spectacular and we've had some nice, warm sunny days. I try not to think about the looming cold and snow..... As I watch the news and see Southern Cal burning up, I'm not so sad that we are having cooler, wetter weather.
This fall has been very different from recent ones. It seems really strange to not be going to marching competitions and football games. There are parts of the high school scene that I don't miss, but there are other things that were such fun that it just doesn't seem like fall without them. Alex is doing great at Eastern. He has embraced the dorm life, made some great new friends, and tells me he is studying (hopefully he's focusing on that part!). We found a car for him as his Honda was beginning to cost more than it was worth. He settled on a Suburu Legacy Outback. It's a surprisingly practical car, but his main concern at the time was being able to drive to the mountains for snowboarding. Mom and Dad are pleased with his choice and also pleased that it will be the last car we have to buy for our kids!
Whitney and Travis are thriving in their new jobs and it brings joy to my heart to see them so happy. Gonzaga University Relations loves Whitney as much as she loves working there. She has put on several bang-up events already and has won the praise of her superiors - even GU President Father Spitzer. It seems to be the PERFECT job for her. Trav loves the kids in his class and though he has the challenge of 12 special ed students, he is enjoying their enthusiasm and the progress they are making. They both seem to be enjoying helping out with the Jr. High Youth Group at Timberview, too. I'm delighted that the kids have such great role models. Hard to believe they've been married a whole year! And I'm SOOOO happy that they live close enough to share in their lives.
As for me, I am managing to keep busy and the time seems to zip by (I just noticed I have been slacking in the blogging area - oops!). I started a Card-making club here at home the first Friday of every month. Twelve of us get together and play with paper and rubber stamps and all the fun tools. It's quite a hit - I even have a waiting list. 'Bout time I did something with my crafting skills. I love designing the cards we will make and putting together the packets of supplies. Plus crafting is always more fun with friends!
Keith and I have been spending more quality time together - that is until basketball reffing starts. We try to have date nights regularly even if our "date" is staying home and watching a movie. At times we still look at each other and wonder "What do we do now?", but we are slowly adjusting to being "empty nesters".
As I think about this time of year and the fact that Thanksgiving will be here before I know it, I am so thankful for so much in my life. As Pastor Matt used to say, "God is good -- ALL the time." So true!