Monday, November 10, 2008


I can't believe we're headed into mid-November. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Christmas after that. My calendar is already starting to fill with holiday happenings.

This fall has been one of mixed feelings. Some of my friends have gone through life's toughest moments. Being friends with them means experiencing the great sadness and struggle. And on the flip side, there have been some really great times this fall. The fact that we haven't had snow yet (knock on wood or whatever you do to prevent it happening after you mention it) helps my spirits immensely. I always struggle with the days being so short and having to bundle in winter gear. This fall has been mild. I have spent some quality time with friends and family. I had a delightful day yesterday cooking with Whitney as Keith, Travis and all of our dogs (there are five when the granddogs come to visit) hung out. It wasn't anything particularly special or unusual, it was just satisfying. I feel blessed and thankful for much. I am content.

Christmas is one of my very favorite times of the year and I'm already looking forward to the decorating, gatherings, church events, time with family. Yet I am very aware that Christmas will be hard for those who are missing someone special. I remember very clearly the first Christmas after we lost Brandon. Painful more than anything. I am thankful that those are memories now and Christmas brings so much joy and contentment.

About mid-January I will need to be reminded about contentment. By then I will likely be tired of the snow and cold. By February I will need to start noticing that the days will be getting longer. By March I will be able to see spring on the horizon and count the days till that first 60 degree day. In the midst of winter, I will look for those satisfying days like yesterday.

Contentment - that will be my goal in the months ahead.


At November 10, 2008 at 9:25 AM , Blogger Life is short but God is sweet said...

I'll pray that you'll find contentment. I have a lot of down time to pray and I have been asking God to show me what needs prayer so this is on my list. love from the Ms. sick and the shingles (sounds like a strange rock band name)


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