Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January Doldrums

So my friend Kathryn who is a blog addict like myself, pointed out to me that it has been awhile since my last blog. So I asked myself, "Self, why has it been so long since you blogged?" And I answered myself, "Because I'm not thinking anything blogworthy."

It's January. The worst month of the year in my estimation. It's winter. It's cold. It's foggy. It's gray. It gets dark at 4:30. Christmas is over. It's a long stretch till spring. I'm not going anywhere tropical. I have to bundle every day. I can't wear flip flops. My elliptical is not working right. (Are you enjoying my blog post yet?)

Consequently, this is why I haven't blogged. I have the January blues. I'm sure my readers don't need to read my whine, but since Kathryn insisted.....

I am ATTEMPTING to do things to get through the month: cleaning and reorganizing, reading, listening to music, watching reality t.v., eating, sleeping...... and then I start over again tomorrow. I will get there. But in the meantime, I don't have much to blog about.

My readers can hope that something exciting or catastrophic happens so it will give me something to report. Or they can just tolerate the sporadic nature of my blogging.

Welcome to January. My "favorite time of year."


At January 13, 2009 at 10:35 PM , Blogger Kathryn @ Expectant Hearts said...

I love you,friend. I read ahead. Look at all the progress you've made on your 2009 top ten already!! I'm impressed.


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