So Fantasy Football has become my new fall distraction. As I have previously mentioned, I knew it would become practically an obsession for me as I have difficulty with failure and I am fairly highly competitive when it comes to games of any kind. I don't mind losing occasionally, but I don't like getting demolished so to speak. I have been known to quit a game in the middle if there is no hope of being at least to some degree "in the game". But though I've been in the cellar virtually from day one, I have hung in. Allowing the computer to pick my players was my first big mistake, and despite my valiant efforts, I have been unable to snag any of the "big guns". Mediocre players seldom become great overnight, though there have been some bright moments between injuries that continue to give me enough hope to keep playing.
So, what have I learned? I have learned that Fantasy Football is a game that is predictably unpredictable. Just when you line your players up just so, someone falls down and hurts themselves, or has a bad day against the defense, or winds up in court for a drug charge, or as soon as I drop them they start scoring like crazy. Like this week, for instance. Bernard Berrian, who scored over 30 points last week, just didn't show up in the game this week. Not one single catch - therefore not one single point. Jake Delhomme, my QB who has been at least consistently mediocre, scored 2.94 points. How do you strategize THAT?!
However, there is something to be said for being a part of the game. Hope springs eternal for some unknown reason. Maybe next week I can move up a place. Maybe next week, ALL my players will have a good week. Maybe my daughter who is WAY in first place, will take pity and trade me her back up QB who is second in the league in scoring behind her starting QB (and she did!). I'm shooting high - 5th place (okay maybe that's shooting TOO high....)
And so all of this rambling to say WHAT, you ask. It's just that I have noticed that Fantasy football is much like the rest of life. We never know what's happening next, what's coming down the pike, what next week might bring. There are injuries, bad days, tough defenses, dropped passes, penalties..... But there are also the touchdowns. And those make it worth playing the game. Not too profound, I know. But sometimes the simple analogies are the easiest to grasp. Jesus told the Church at Philadelphia to "hold fast", keep playing, don't let the injuries get you down because the touchdowns are coming. Okay, so He didn't say it just like that, but I think that's what He meant. That I can do.....
And I can live with the fact that life and fantasy football are predictably unpredictable because eventually there are the touchdowns and even the Superbowl.....