Timberview is participating in a special awareness of the world around us including a five-day "Eat Like the World Eats" exercise. It entails cutting back to $2-3 dollars per day in the food department, then giving what you saved to world missions. Now granted, it wouldn't hurt me to cut back for sure, but I'm not one that jumps on bandwagons "just because". I have to have a passion about the process or it just seems pointless and doing something for show. So at first I thought I would just do something to save a little so I would contribute somehow - like maybe not eating out for a week. I just didn't want it to become an exercise in futility that church people do and then compare notes about how hard it was and how great we are for making the sacrifice.
But the Lord and my pastor have been nagging (in a good-natured way, of course, at least on Glenn's part) and it seems like I need to re-evaluate my worldview and gain a heightened awareness of the other people I share this planet with. At first I thought I would just do the food thing, but I realized that just because I know myself, I would obsess with the process and the dollar amount and miss the whole point. So instead, for five days, starting Thursday, I will take a bit more of a universal approach to the whole thing. I will cut back in the food area, but not obsess about the recipes or $$$. I will also not do any unnecessary driving, flick on the television when I'm bored, waste water or electricity, not do any extra-curricular shopping. I'm not trying to go over the top or do it better than anyone, but I want God to really work on my heart and make me more conscious and grateful.
In the meantime I also have to remind myself that the point is that I don't need to load up on all these things from now through Wednesday so I can survive the five days. I want the experience to make me think about all the things I take for granted and do thoughtlessly every day and just be aware how many of God's children CAN'T do those things ANY day.
Anyone want to join me?