Friday, June 27, 2008

Bye Bye, Buzz!

The last of Sydney's babies found a home today with a nice couple from NW Spokane. They recently lost a husky-aussie cross and have a lonesome blue heeler that needed a playmate. Sounds like the perfect place for Buzz. He took to them right away, planting sloppy kisses on each of them.

I confess to being sad that he isn't here to greet me as only Buzz could each day. He was with us a little too long and it was tough to give him up, but when I think of another grown up dog around here, I'm convinced it was best for him to go. It does feel like something's missing, though.

I'm off to my annual Sister's Weekend tomorrow through Monday. It will be good to spend time in a less intense environment than the last time we were together (when Dad was in the hospital). Things have been busy in my life and I am looking forward to getting away. I won't have photos to share as our camera broke somewhere in New York. But I'm sure I'll have some fun details to share when I get back!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Trav's First Triathlon

Today we went out to Medical Lake to watch Travis participate in his first ever Mini Triathlon. He swam across the lake, biked 13 some miles and ran 3.5 miles. He did fantastic and he's my hero! He did so well and even had some energy left over at the end, so we went to Tomato Street for a celebration dinner with his mom and brother. I'm proud of you, Trav!
We were able to enjoy some time in a park waiting for each portion of the event, so we took Ali and Buzz. They were a big hit and even had a couple interested people who asked for our phone number. We'll see what happens, but we were encouraged that one of these days, Buzz will find a home. In the meantime, we're enjoying his happy-go-lucky personality - he makes us smile.
I'm loving these nice long days! There's nothing like summer.....

Friday, June 20, 2008

And then there was one....

Our little Ali went to live with Whitney and Travis and Chloe last night. It's so great that we will get to see her grow up! She has a very sweet nature like her Mom, and smarts, too. She will be a fabulous Sydney clone when she grows up.

Buzz didn't seem to miss her much and went to bed as per his usual routine, but at 5:00a.m. he was not very happy to be in his pen all alone. Hoping to find him a home soon!

Tomorrow we are headed out to Medical Lake to watch Travis participate in his first Triathlon. We're supposed to get thunder storms, so hopefully he'll be done before they set in. Being in the water or on a bike with lightning hanging around is a bit scary. Good luck, Trav. I know you will do great!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Latest from Montana

My sisters have been so great at updating me every day on how my Mom and Dad are doing. It seems there are one or two good days, then not so good one or two. The biggest problem is the back pain Dad has and he just seems to get little or no relief. My niece, Robyn, who is a massage therapist, has been working with him every day and believes that it is mostly muscular. She felt today like she may be making a little progress, but the process of getting there is going to continue to be painful. Any prayers in this arena would be greatly appreciated. He's just tired of hurting and those who are trying to help him are tired of him hurting, too.

Mostly my life is great and I have few complaints, but my dad being the way he is is like a perpetual little black cloud over me. It's what I think of first thing when I get up and last thing at night and many times in between. I know it's all in God's hands, but I also don't want to see him suffering. I know it's hard on my mom and my sisters, too. So any prayers on his behalf would be appreciated!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Woody update

Got a call tonight from Woody's new parents. They are totally in love with him! The dad (John) was delighted with his Father's Day gift and named him "Woody G." Woody had already chosen John as his favorite and was curled up beside him on the couch. They wanted to be sure they were feeding him right and keeping his routine so he would be comfortable (routine?!? Ha! There is no routine with this many dogs and our crazy schedule!) This will be a fabulous home for him and that makes me happy!

I confess to a weak moment tonight when I realized Ali was going to her new home this week. Buzz was sitting on my lap and looked up at me with those big adorable eyes and cocked his head to one side and for a moment, just a moment mind you, I thought, "How bad would it be to keep just one?" WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS I THINKING?!? Did I momentarily have a brain freeze that blocked out the muddy paw prints on my clean floors, the chunks of hair all over the house, the having to make arrangements when we go anywhere, the dog food bills............. Whew! The moment passed. BUT.... it will be a sad day when they are all gone........

A Home for Woody

Woody went to a new home today. A nice young couple were in cahoots with their mom to give their dad a new dog for Father's Day. This family had had a number of dogs over the years and this year dad is retiring and wanted a new pup to keep him company. They had a hard time choosing between the two boys, but Woody won out. I think he will have a great home with someone who will spend a lot of time with him. We gave them the option to trade for Buzz tomorrow if they change their mind, but I have a feeling they won't. Woody was on his best mellow behavior and seemed like a good fit for an older man who just wants a companion. They thought they might even just keep his name as their dad loves Woody Guthrie. Doesn't matter; he will always be Woody to us.
Ali will go home with Whit and Trav on Wed. or Thursday. Three down, one to go......

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another Successful Ten-Miler

So this was one of the many awe-inspiring views along the way on the 2nd Annual Justin C. Haeger 10-Miler that I participated in this morning. Spectacular, huh? I did have the chance to enjoy some of the scenery along the way when I wasn't looking down at the pavement so I wouldn't see how much farther I still had to climb on a couple of nasty hills. It was a perfect day, beautiful and sunny, except that it did get a little warm the last mile or so as I was climbing up to T.J. Meenach Bridge and back to Spokane Falls Community College. Can't say I loved how my backside and legs were complaining on the last couple miles, nor how my lungs felt when I climbed a couple of those hills. But the feeling at the finish line was exhilarating. Personally, I would have enjoyed a 7-8 mile walk a little more, but being able to support Ron and Karen in this little venture was worth it all. And I guess it's good sometimes to challenge ourselves, test the limits of what we think we can do. I will feel the muscle soreness for the next couple days, but the fact is that I did it. I could have opted for the 3.3 miler (Keith did that one with Kayla and Alexa Biever) and believe me, the temptation was there. But there is something to be said about pushing beyond our comfort limits. It means more when you have to work at it and there are painful reminders of the work that you have done. I beat my time from last year by about 8 minutes - not bad.
And so, I will have to think about next year. Having conquered this particular course two years in a row, could I ever settle for 3.3? Time will tell.....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prayer Needed

I spoke to my mom this afternoon and my dad isn't doing so well. He's in a lot of pain, still having difficulties with meds and generally feeling lousy. I know there's no quick cure, but some relief would be nice. If you think to send up a few prayers, I know Mom and Dad would appreciate it.

It's hard not to be there with them even though I'm not sure there's much I could do for him. And so I'm praying.....unceasingly.....and trusting God to do what's best.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Unexpected

In my experience, sometimes God changes our plans for us when we get too "overplanned". I had a lot of plans this weekend that had to be put on hold because my dad got very sick and landed in the hospital. I spent the weekend with my Montana family running back and forth to the hospital and trying to figure out a plan for the unexpected. My dad came through this scary turn of events, and I was glad I could come and spend some time with him, mom and my sisters. I wouldn't have been anywhere else. We had important conversations that just aren't the same in email or on the phone. I had plans, but God had a better plan. He always does.

Dad is doing much better and I was able to bring him home today and get him settled before I have to go home and deal with the things I put on hold. My time with him is precious - always has been - but moreso now as he feels his time here is about over. Again, God has a plan and it will come to pass regardless of what Dad's plans are. In the meantime, I must remember to always expect the unexpected because life with God is like that and it is always better than anything I could expect.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Eating Like the World Eats....

Timberview is participating in a special awareness of the world around us including a five-day "Eat Like the World Eats" exercise. It entails cutting back to $2-3 dollars per day in the food department, then giving what you saved to world missions. Now granted, it wouldn't hurt me to cut back for sure, but I'm not one that jumps on bandwagons "just because". I have to have a passion about the process or it just seems pointless and doing something for show. So at first I thought I would just do something to save a little so I would contribute somehow - like maybe not eating out for a week. I just didn't want it to become an exercise in futility that church people do and then compare notes about how hard it was and how great we are for making the sacrifice.

But the Lord and my pastor have been nagging (in a good-natured way, of course, at least on Glenn's part) and it seems like I need to re-evaluate my worldview and gain a heightened awareness of the other people I share this planet with. At first I thought I would just do the food thing, but I realized that just because I know myself, I would obsess with the process and the dollar amount and miss the whole point. So instead, for five days, starting Thursday, I will take a bit more of a universal approach to the whole thing. I will cut back in the food area, but not obsess about the recipes or $$$. I will also not do any unnecessary driving, flick on the television when I'm bored, waste water or electricity, not do any extra-curricular shopping. I'm not trying to go over the top or do it better than anyone, but I want God to really work on my heart and make me more conscious and grateful.

In the meantime I also have to remind myself that the point is that I don't need to load up on all these things from now through Wednesday so I can survive the five days. I want the experience to make me think about all the things I take for granted and do thoughtlessly every day and just be aware how many of God's children CAN'T do those things ANY day.

Anyone want to join me?