Fantasy Fizzle

Our baby Seth had a bad episode on Wednesday night - stopped breathing and heart stopped. They think it was due to a blockage in his breathing tube. They were able to resusitate him and he has done well since. Oxygen sats are up and stable; he is off the ventilator. Now the concern is that they did a brain MRI and think there may be some residual damage from the episode. Only time will tell. He is still on sedation and it may just be a bad day for him, but Kathryn feels he is not quite himself. They do not need one more thing to worry about, so we are praying that it's only temporary. Please do continue to hold this family up in prayer. As I know well, it's not fun to have a sick baby and the stress is HUGE. I'll update when we know more....
Kathryn reports that they did take Seth back to surgery last night and found they had nicked an artery and that was where the bleeding was coming from. Can you imagine trying to work on a teeny tiny heart with teeny tiny arteries and veins? Apparently it was only a small setback as his condition improved after they fixed the problem. Keep praying for his QUICK recovery!
From time to time I have mentioned Baby Seth who was born with a severe heart defect. He came through his first surgery well and now it's time to do Phase 2. He will have the "Glenn" procedure on Sept. 11. Please add Seth and his parents, Kathryn and Leland (as well as bros and sis) to your prayer list for that day. He is adorable; huge eyes and awesome smile. You know me and babies, I would love to get my hands on him more, but they have to be very careful not to expose him to stuff, so I've had to satisfy myself with playing with his toes. I'll be praying BIG time on the 11th.
This is my guy - I'm counting on him to make me look like I know what I'm doing. GO HAWKS!!!!